Children First is governed by a Board of Directors structured to promote understanding between parents and teachers and to facilitate their cooperation on behalf of children. The Board consists of three parent representatives, elected by the parents; three teacher representatives, elected by the faculty; and two or more community representatives, elected by teachers and parents together. The Board sets program goals and general policies, oversees the budget, and plans for the long-term development of the organization.
Most importantly, the Board brings parents and teachers together as equals to grapple with the frustrating economic realities faced by virtually all American early childhood programs – high tuition that puts pressure on families and low salaries that create difficulty for hard-working teachers. These pressures often lead programs to allow larger group sizes, or higher teacher:child ratios, or poorly provisioned learning environments. Our commitment is to work within those economic constraints without compromising the quality of care and education we offer children. The Board embodies the intention that led us to name this school “Children First.”
The older I get, the more convinced I am that the space between people who are trying their best to understand each other is hallowed ground.