Goals & Schedule


We hope you will come to…

  • Like yourself and appreciate your own uniqueness, and know that you are loved unconditionally, especially by your family.
  • Feel confident that the adults in your life are working together to see you clearly, to honor your uniqueness, and to act with your best interests at heart.
  • Develop an awareness and appreciation of your identity, in all its rich particularity, and know that you and you and your family are seen, respected and cherished by others in your community.
  • See your life as a story worth telling, and tell that story with joy and confidence.
  • Know that you matter – you are a full-fledged human and a citizen, and you have the power and competence to improve yourself, help others, and make a positive impact on the world.
  • Feel comfortable with yourself as someone who is still learning, and who has strengths, struggles and growth edges.
  • Demonstrate courage as you lean into opportunity, challenge and vulnerability.
  • Honor your feelings, and express and act on them in socially appropriate ways.
  • Make thoughtful, independent choices that align with your own values, needs and preferences, and that also reflect a growing awareness of how your choices impact others in the community.
  • Feel comfortable with and take pleasure in solitude.
  • Enjoy your body. Celebrate its power; be respectful of its needs; take care of it; and listen to its wisdom.

gina and eleri