
In Remembrance: Judy Byck

Dedication for Judy's Book close upIn memory of our dear friend and Children First Mom Judy Byck, we are selling this lovely new Limited First Edition book: “Things You Can Do if Your Friend is Hurt or Sad.”

The book was written and illustrated by 12 Children Firsters; designed by Children First dad Dave Wofford of Horse and Buggy Press; and funded by the King-McClain family.

When Judy first learned about this work in 2015, she had an idea.  She wanted us to make it widely available for people to enjoy and learn from the content, and she also thought we should use it to fundraise for our ongoing efforts to provide this kind of community and learning experience for children, teachers and families.  So, all proceeds over the cost of printing (about $8/book), will go to support Children First.

Request your copy (or copies) by e-mail We can make a plan later about pick-up or delivery. Or pick yours up in person at the Horse & Buggy Press Broad Street Gallery in Durham. ()

Suggested donation to CF is $10 to $50+.  All donations over $8 are tax deductible.

These lovely little books make great gifts for a child’s birthday (or any tenderhearted person’s birthday!); for holidays; for teachers and school libraries; and – as Judy would want us to say – for therapists!

Preview the book!